FYI #14 - Just some fun educational pictures and Tweets to think about from educational Social Media this week.
Happy Thanksgiving and Thank you for all you do for our students!
I can't imagine any of our staff would do this but its funny!
Some great tweets. The first one made me think of our Atlas initiatives. We are doing great things but keep in mind that quality not quantity is the most important.
Make this year about quality not quantity. Don't get hung up on how much or how fast you're moving forward. The point is to move forward.
The two charts in this tweet are great. This is what the best teachers and learners do consistently.
I have sent this out previously the past couple of years. This is great for everyone regardless of their profession and is also something great to share with students and remind them of each day.
I know we all strive to push our students and don't allow them to use the excuses on the right side. This is part of the Growth mindset that all of our students can achieve and learn. This graphic below puts it nicely.
Another graphic I have sent out previously but is incredibly important. Students who read consistently have more success than students who do not. If students are not reading at home let's make sure we are including some in our lessons.

This makes a lot of sense. Just getting students to write more is half the battle. Bad writing can turn into good writing as long as students START writing.
Special Ed Teacher Compliments Every Single Student Each Day, Gets A+ In Our Book
Just this one short article this week. This is a quick story about a Special Education teacher in Florida who spends the first minutes of class complimenting all his students. I am not suggesting we do this each day but compliments go a long way and sometimes motivate students more than anything else does. I found this article interesting and I drew a lot of parallels to our teaching staff who continuously build our kids up each day.